I was asked to see if there was anyway to lower this sound and keep his voice the same, unfortunatly I wasn't able to do this, I tried using a bandpass filter to filter out certain frequency ranges, using the waves plugins however this affected Tony's voice too, If the background noise was at a higher frequency range or was a very low end sounding drone noise this would of being possibly by simply cutting out the frequencies using a bandpass filter from say 35Hz - 120Hz or 8KHz - 16KHz, however the background noise was quite loud and all over the place.
This has being a valuable learning experience, and something I will defintly learn from. Unfortunatly the only way around this would have being to re-record Tony's voice and then dub it over the top, due to time constraints this was not possible!
Audio Unedited:
Audio Edited:
If you hear the examples the quality is seriously reduced and gives a filtered noise as expected. I could not think of any other way around this other than to automate the volume level throughout the audio to duck almost like a sidechaining effect everytime Tony speaks, I thought this would take way to long and the quality would most likely be unusable.

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