Monday 24 March 2008

The Orphanage

I've just watched, The Orphanage and I've decided to write about it on my blog. I thought it was a brilliant film that was really well directed. It's geniunely creepy in some parts and the acting is excellent, there is a very creepy atmosphere throughout the film, in the same vein as Pans Labyrinth which coincidentally was directed by Guillermo Del Toro, he however Produced this and is directed by Juan Antonio Bayona. Some of the shots will have a big influence on my short 6 minute film, which I hope I can give a similar feeling of atmosphere.

The film did feel like it dragged a little in parts but this only adds to the films atmosphere, its defintly better paced towards the end of the film when her Husband leaves her in the orphanage alone. The ending is fantastic and don't be put off by the subtitles. Go and see it!

Interview with J.A Bayona and Sergio Sanchez on The Orphanage

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