Thursday, 26 March 2009

Artefact One: Literature Review of Society & Technology


For this artefact I produced a mini literature review researching how new technologies are affecting society within a domestic and commercial space. Today advanced technologies are been used to track social movements within society to help individuals make more informed decisions about their environment.

I’ve researched Ethnographic studies of social movements (Creative Networking at RISD, 2008), Visual Displays of Quantitative Information (Edward R. Tufte, 2001), Realtime Rome, and the Crowd Compiler. These are all excellent resources to help me better understand the relationship between Society and Technology.
Real time Rome aggregates data from mobile phones to track the social movements of people within an urban environment and the crowd compiler algorithm displays crowds in time and space rather than as a static image to further analytically look at how people move in an urban environment.

My aim of this artefact was to help me further understand new technologies and research further into this way of ethnographically looking at society and how the results of this data can be represented visually rather than statistically. It has paved a way for me to further research Technology and Domestic Space and whether Technology is fragmenting our domestic space through the privatization of new entertainment technologies.

This brings me onto my 2nd artefact, I will be looking at ethnographic studies of a domestic space which will help me better understand how technology is changing our environment and whether domestic space needs to be changed to accommodate for this rise in what is ultimately a Network Society.

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