Friday 27 February 2009

Client Project Shoot Evaluation

During my shoot I took some photography to document it, shooting in the
se conditions is a very difficult task indeed, particularly with the minimal lighting available (I really wished I had a Pag Light), the setup of my interviews went well however it was frustrating as well because most of the DJ's don't have a lot of time especially when their flying off to Berlin in the early hours immediately after a gig.

This meant I had to be quick in setting up the camera and directing my crew, this unfortunately meant I didn't have time to swap the camera round to different angles as it threw my interviewers off their questions a little, so I decided to setup in one position. However I don't think this is as much of a problem with the amount of cutaways I got.

Overall I'd say the shoot went well and was a good experience, If I was to do it again I would most certainly have got a much smaller secondary camera for someone to use for different angles, I found that having 2 HDV's wasn't necessary as their large and just slow things down! However for the scratching section it was absolutely necessary to have one setup stationary whilst the other was handled by hand.

My crew was as follows:

Me: Director/Main Camera Operator/Interviewer
Svetozar Lebedeyev: Secondary Camera Operator
Michael Mclardy: H&S and Sound Engineer. He ensured that all cables were taped down so that there would be no accidents and that the audio levels didnt clip.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Vant Recordings Logo

Me and a few friends are currently setting up our own record label to be launched in September, we are currently building an identity and contacting industry professionals for advice. We have some remixes of our own tracks in the pipeline by respected artists Pedramovich and Drive D and Goshva, and are currently producing a proposal/business plan to send to distrubutors to get digital distrubution and hopefully Vinyl. I've been given the task of producing a brand identity and to design the website.

Audio Production - Client Project

Ive been producing a few tracks for my Client to be used on the DVD Menu, I've met with my client and he was very pleased with the outcomes. Ableton 7 was used for production, along with the Waves VST Package. The first track 'Mobile' is complete and the other 2 are works in progress. Overall I'm very happy with my progress on my Client Project, we got our shoot done on time and its now down to the editing phase, with DVD Menu and Packaging due to be produced soon. I will be meeting with my client in 2 weeks time to display my work for feedback.

I've been messing with different production techniques for various styles of music, on 'Mobile' I delibratly limited the track to give a slight punch and distorted feeling to the track and for 'Midnight' I used different eqing techniques to give a more dubby deep house feel to the track, this is very much an unfinished track and 'Movement' is a lot more cleaner polished feel to the track with cleaner EQing and compression.

You can download the tracks at the following links: (8mb) (21mb) (8mb)

Rationale Images

SPP3 Rationale and Images

For the SPP3 module I decided to specialize my showcase for the brochure on photography, focusing on composition, lighting and technical ability, these are transferable skills within the audiovisual industry and will help me communicate my ideas to a broad audience.

Over the years I have developed my camera skills via reflection on and in practice. I also specialize in other areas of Multimedia including Audio Visual Production and Graphic Design, through my skills within photography I have developed strong transferable skills in Video Production in Multimedia, through extensive knowledge of camera lenses, Depth of Field, ISO selections and gaining an eye for knowing what length of exposure to use in certain lighting conditions, I have increased my knowledge of the camera using still photography.

The images I have decided to present for my showcase include University work I have been developing and work within my short industry placement at Alight Ltd, which I took the role of a Graphic Designer.

Figures .1, 2 and 3 display photographs I produced, focusing directly on lighting. I created an atmosphere using mise` on scene, that suggests the idea of an underlining story. I believe this piece of work shows my creative skills using lighting, composition, and technical ability using different exposure times with different f-numbers to gain my desired effect. All shots were taken in RAW format using a Canon EOS400D digital camera, small tweaks where made using Photoshop, mostly adjusting the saturation, spot healing a few areas and using the dodge tool to a very subtle to effect to bring out small highlights.

I created a backlight using light flooding through the bedroom door and the natural light seeping through the window gave a very nice effect adding subtle highlights to the face and clothing but still providing enough light for the scene. I used a tungsten white balance to add warmth to the image but still kept in relation with the dark theme I was aiming for.

Shot settings; exposure, 13seconds, F/22, 24mm Focal Length, Massa wide angle adapter lens. A Manfrotto tripod was used for stability with a wireless RC1 remote to trigger the shutter to ensure no shake was caused when manually triggering the camera.

Figure 4 is a piece of photography I took that was taken immediately after spotting the location on a walk out. I really liked the grim look of the place and the composition of the railings in the location provided fantastic visual opportunities to lead the eye. In my photography I always want to give an authentic movie feeling to it, which is something I aim to move into, especially cinematography in the Multimedia Industry. The graffiti and color make this piece visually stimulating and add grit to it keeping to the theme and style I want to produce.

Fig.5 and Fig.6 are pieces I produced in my industry placement at Alight Ltd. I was appointed Graphic Designer and worked with various clients, including Roseland Group, Blue Kite Energy, Introductions UK, TBL Midlands and Ignition Search. My primary skills gained here where using the Adobe CS3 suite to a very professional level. I learnt valuable skills, using color wheels, composition, communication and meaning.

These 2 particular pieces show logo designs I developed for 2 businesses. I learnt technical skills designing for print using spot color printing, paper selection, and print embossing effects. Valuable skills gained where communicating with clients on a face to face basis regularly and explaining the various materials that can be used that will best suite there brand.

The paper selection for these 2 companies was a very important element to reflect their brand, Roseland Group wanted to maintain a traditional and trust worthy image in their business. I suggested Cranes Crest 100% cotton paper to be used to reflect the traditional feel of the company as well as keeping within their policy of reflecting the business as an environmentally friendly company. Although it is very expensive to use, through the development of communication skills the client was inclined to use this material after showing samples of work produced on this medium.

In a similar vein Blue Kite Energy wanted their business to be represented as a green energy company. The paper selected was FSC certified-green paper by GF-Smith. I learnt the importance of the use of pantone color books and spot color printing to ensure a strong brand color throughout their business. All logos for the businesses where produced in Adobe Illustrator CS3, the business cards, letter heads and booklets produced where then designed in Adobe Indesign. I have developed invaluable design skills from my placement time at Alight Ltd and can solve design problems and communicate well with clients on a face to face basis to help push their brand further.

Fig 7. Shows my skills in composition, looking at visual lines in my shots to draw the viewer into areas I want them to focus on. The pillars within the scene are used as visual devices to help the composition. I particular focused on the reflections from the puddles in these shots and wanted to use my skills in different conditions. Especially strip lights which can give a very gritty and cold feeling, the lighting conditions weren’t particular great so a tripod was used to for stability to take long exposure shots with a high stop to keep the composition more in focus.

Fig 8 is a logo I developed for Blue Castle, they wanted an up to date modern approach to their office recycling business, They still wanted to keep the blue branding theme they have had throughout their business in the past so I looked at more current trends in design and choose more modern colours in the pantone EC color book, using gradient effects to a subtle effect to add a professional feel. The centre logo piece was drew using the pen tool and symbolizes the reciprocal process of recycling without using the traditional recycling logo seen countless times, the clean polished feel reflects the companies stature and is a strong identity that can be used on various different background colors and printed mediums. This demonstrates my skills in design that constantly look at future problems that can occur when branding a business for different mediums.

Through my combined skills gained as a multimedia practitioner at University and my placement time at Alight Ltd I believe I have valuable skills to offer to any multimedia company, my transferable skills of photography and my extensive knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite enable me to approach problems analytically and creatively come up with new ideas. As in the multimedia industry it is important to keep up with current trends and my own personal research and university research projects keep me pushing further.


I am passionate multimedia designer and production artist who has a deep understanding of the Adobe Creative Suite, I have developed skills in photography and video. I have excellent communication skills and I am determined and creative individual always looking for new ideas to develop and understand.

Client Schedule

I have estimated a total of 267 working hours from planning through to the testing and evaluation of the product. I’ve scheduled myself ahead to ensure that I have enough time towards the end of this project to make necessary amendments incase anything goes wrong. I hope to have the project completed by the 1st of April.

Schedule 15th January
Client Proposal 20th January – 26th January
Research Underground TV 15th – 26th January
Meet with Client 17th January
Book equipment for tour footage 26th January
Previsuals 26th Jan – 5th Febuary
Sign off DVD Menu and Booklet Design visuals 8th February
Shoot Tour Footage 30th January / February / 12th / 13th / 14th
Produce DVD Menu 2nd February – 15th March
Produce Online Press Kit 19h Febuary – 24th February
2nd Meeting with Client 10th February
Produce Original Audio 18th February – 28th February
Present Proposal 30th January
Edit Footage 15th February – 18th February
Present 1st draft to client 28th February
Present 2nd Draft to Client 1st March
Test product 5th March – 10th March
Begin Evaluation 17th March – 22nd March
Client Hand In 25th March

Project Proposal Cont..


These are some preliminary design ideas I have created for my Client, to get a strong identity I have looked at using 3 variations of colours to signify the different Multimedia Products, (DVD Enclosure, DVD Menu and Online Press Kit) I have done some previsuals on the logo design, DVD Menu and possible colours with there pantone references for print design (DVD Enclosure and booklet)

Client Project Proposal

Client Analysis

The Underground is a non-profit television series broadcast across UK and Europe on Propeller TV (SKY 195). Focusing on the electronic music scene, each show includes interviews with some of the best DJs, producers and promoters in the industry. With a brand new episode each month on SKY repeated weekly and on-demand at, if you are a clubber, DJ, producer or just a music fan, “The Underground” is one show you cannot miss.’ (

I have been asked to design and develop an authored DVD Rom, with original music, and online press kit for Underground TV Show broadcast on Propeller TV. This authored interactive DVD Rom will feature content from the upcoming ‘Underground TV Tour’ taking place in Manchester, Sheffield and Nottingham in February, this tour is designed to promote venues, and spread The Underground’s brand. I’ve been asked to design the DVD menu and the fold out card booklet the DVD will be housed in.

I will also be shooting the tour and editing the footage to be put onto the DVD. This will include information about the tour and everyone who’s involved with it. My aim is to improve the brand awareness of The Underground through Multimedia Design.

Hello Underground TV

As discussed in our meeting I have put together this proposal outlining the necessary Multimedia solutions I can provide for you. I have outlined some initial ideas for the direction of the design and functionality of your proposed Authored DVD, Online Press Kit and Title Sequence.

The quality of the design and execution of everything I produce for you is essential for Underground TV to ensure continued success in the future. With your proposed Multimedia package it is important to have a continuous brand identity throughout; this convergence will help Underground TV look professional in the modern market.

With your Authored DVD (inc. original audio soundtrack), Online Press Kit and Title Sequence, the important things to bear in mind are your design needs. I will therefore build an authored animated DVD menu which is professional in appearance, well built and easy to navigate. This will come complete with full brand packaging and a small description booklet outlining the content of the DVD, as well as an online press kit.

When we start the project I will arrange a meeting to refine the specifications of all Aspects of your requirements. I will then send you a copy of the specification along with Terms and Conditions.

It is important that you supply all the information I will need on the project, your key demographic and some pieces of Multimedia work you like and dislike. As discussed in our meeting the more content you provide for me will help to ensure that I can produce a product that you have in mind.

If you have any questions in regards to this proposal please give me a call and I will be happy to talk you through any queries you may have.

Design Phase

Beginning with the overall artistic direction, it’s important to emphasise the demographic of your TV Show. My skills in Audio Visual Production will help create a look and feel in your DVD product that highlights what The Underground is all about. The agreed designs will work across both web and print mediums giving you a strong identity.

The desired look and feel for what you hope to achieve is very much something I appreciate and understand. I will work closely with you throughout this project to help create your Multimedia product so it can be functional, efficient, and clean with a strong brand identity.

My objectives will be to design and develop the DVD, help shoot footage of the tour and edit the footage and produce the online press kit along with original audio for a complete multimedia package.

Kind Regards,

David Gowans

Simulated Client Project - Screenshots

PRP Essay - Network Society

Supervisor pg. 3
Abstract pg. 3
Introduction pg. 3
Research Method pg. 4
Literature Review and Works pg. 4
Discussion pg. 6
Conclusion pg. 9
References pg. 11
Bibliography pg. 10

Simon Perkins

This paper looks at the effects technology has on society and how ‘Network Society’ enables free-choice. It is a collection of literature on the social effects of technology but also the effects technology has on society. It discusses the convergence and integration of technology.


There has been acceleration in contemporary society that is characterised by change; it is these changes that have been caused through the development and innovation of new technologies. This change has created the development of the ‘Network Society’ (M. Castells, 1996). There is no longer a hierarchal embedded system in society and we are faced with the liberalistic autonomy that mobile communication technologies enable. It is this “free choice” that is said to be changing the social structure, but society is also changing the mobilisation of technologies.

How will multimedia technology engage safe autonomy in the future? How will this affect the social structure? What future technologies need to be implemented to cope with the vast expansion of Information available today? Is the explosion of online TV and advertising changing the way media companies implement technology to target audiences? Clearly there is vast empirical and exploratory scope to these questions.

‘The revival of interest in technology amongst sociologists can be accounted for by relatively new developments within both technology and sociology. Within technology, the advent of ‘the micro-chip revolution’, the growth of ‘information technology’, and the dawn of what is generally referred to as ‘new technology’ beckon sociologists with the implicit promise of the emergence of a new form of society’ (Graham Button, 1992).

Research suggests that we as a society are changing as an effect of this ‘Information Age’ but is it fragmenting our society or is the explosion of online networking bringing society together?

Throughout this paper I aim to research ‘Network Society’ how society is changing through technology and vice versa, it will also research the integration of Multimedia and the vital role it will play in modern society.

The method that I have chosen to synthesise my research document primarily uses 'argument' to convey its meaning. I have constructed my argument from various references that I have sourced from a range of different places including: online, books, journals and online videos. The majority of my argument relies on journal articles because of the current nature of the content. This is also the reason that I have chosen to use online video clips. I am aware of the issues with using online resources but I feel that their limitation in terms of ‘robustness’ is outweighed by their prevalence and relevance to contemporary trends.

My research looks into the rapid expansion and implementation of technologies and its societal effects in contemporary society.
The core research of literature on sociology and technology is the centre of my thesis. The countless amounts of resources available on these core subjects have helped synthesise my argument.


The vast amounts of mobile communication and information available in advanced societies are creating an organic and embryonic ‘Network Society’. Users are adapting to this technology hence a change in social structure is happening.

‘The observed experience of wireless communication shows that people adapt the technology to their needs and interests. They invent new uses and even a new language...

...This fully replicates the experience of the Internet, but it is even more significant because the first users of the Internet were highly sophisticated, while the bulk of innovative users of wireless communication technology are kids and young people with no special technical skills, although they are, indeed, already a part of the network society.’ (Castells, 2006).

Castells views that we are entering a ‘Network Society’ do have significant weight to them, indeed we are entering an age where anybody can access information and communicate freely through this development of technology.

Dr Wael Salah Fahmi’s, ‘Planning in the Information Age’ (2001) also converges with this.
‘In the information-knowledge culture, existing urban order is being replaced by highly complex new networks. Therefore there is a need to deconstruct the contested (post)modern city’

This ‘Information Age’ is developing new opportunities for Multimedia to engage with society it is also causing modern society to adapt to this integration of mobile technologies.

Graham Button’s ‘Technology in Working Order: Studies of work, Interaction, and Technology’ talks about the integration of technology in society and how ‘video-mediated communication’ is changing the work environment.

‘Unlike a telephone or audio connection, video provides the opportunity for individuals visually to assess the availability of a colleague before initiating contact...

...An important element in EuroPARC’s recent initiatives is the development of an audio-visual infrastructure in its Cambridge offices. The infrastructure allows scientists and administrative staff to establish visual and audible contact with each other or to view public areas such as a commons area and the conference room’ (Graham Button, 1992).

This is a clear case of how technology is changing the social interaction of a work place, the integration of future technologies are having a direct impact on society, and the advancement of telecommunication systems is the cause of this social change. He talks about how the mediation of video in communication allows easier ways to engage and solve problems in a work environment.

Robert Mansell’s ‘Mobilizing the Information Society’ also talks about the integration of technology in society but he also talks about the dependency of new electronic devices and how they must integrate into this new infrastructure.

‘The availability of augmented mobile communication services, and services that are based upon home access to the information and communication infrastructure, depends upon the diffusion of new electronic devices and their integration into the infrastructure.’ (Robin Mansell, 2000).

Here he talks about how the rate of new services deployed are influencing existing standardised mobile technologies to upgrade, as these could be the favoured way for information to be accessed.


With the huge development and growth of information technologies in society it is not unforeseen that studies have been made on the relationship between society and technology. It is said that this growth is having a direct effect on the public sphere and that society is changing with this technological growth. (Laver, M. 1980)

This social interaction with computers for several hours a day is now a commonality in advanced societies, and this intense interfacing is causing the debate on whether this nodal interaction is having an impact on society. It is questioned that increased exposure to mobile communication technologies could be having detrimental as well as positive impact on today’s society (Herbert Spencer, 2007).

‘Merely because digital media is making people more connected does not mean it is increasing the degree of their social engagement’ (Herbert Spencer, 2007).

While researchers (M. Castells, R. Kraut) have focused on the analytical data of this social effect others (G. Button) have used empirical based field work enquires that have researched how society is affecting the implementation and development of future and existing multimedia technologies.

Although it is evident that these technologies enable us to socialise easier, it does not necessarily mean this socialisation improves an individual’s experience.

The major questions asked are “how will these mobile technologies effect society?”

‘A landmark study by Kraut, Scherlis, Patterson, Kiesler, and Mukhopadhyay (1998) found that heavy Internet users report higher levels of depression and isolation than non-Internet users’ (Kraut, 2006).

however Castells writes, “mobile communication seems to be contributing to the smoothing of tensions in the hyperactive family by allowing everybody (including children) to have his or her own daily schedule, while coordinating the sharing of family time”

He also writes ‘The subjects of communication processes considerably enhance their autonomy by using wireless communication systems. By this, we mean autonomy vis a vis spatial location, time constraints, and, to a large extent, social and cultural norms. This autonomy is both individual and collective’ (2006)

It is obvious that the convergence of communication technologies and computers are having a profound effect on all aspects of our day to day lives whether it’s commercial, political, domestic, or social. It is this convergence that raises important questions on society and technology, for instance the Coordination of EuroPARC’s recent initiatives (as previously talked about) in the development of an audio-visual infrastructure in their Cambridge offices. (G. Button, 1992) has enabled people in their work environment to communicate in a virtual environment using audio-visual technologies.

This innovation of ultra modern mobile technologies is also creating a “time-shift” in domestic society which is enabling families to accommodate more convenient time schedules. High speed internet connections are now available and on demand video is exploding into society. Although Levy’s analytical research in “Home video and the changing nature of the television audience” is dated (1988) by today standards, I believe it still has huge relevance in modern society.

‘Time-Shifting was the most popular use of home video. The average VCR household in the U.S made just over four recordings off-air per week, played back between three and four tapes of previously broadcast material, and watched less than one pre-recorded cassette which had been bought, hired or borrowed from outside sources. Movies were recorded and played back most often, followed by situation comedies and soap operas’ (Mark Levy, 1980).

With the growth of on-demand television, society is now adjusting to these technologies, and liberalism is increasing. The advent of ‘YouTube’ has caused a fragmentation in society that is nodal but also a shared experience.

Another important issue to look at with this integration of mobile technology is the increasing trend of people’s ability to work on the move, from cafes through to conference rooms, and even planes.

‘The average occupancy rate of commercial office space from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is between 30 per cent and 50 per cent.
The challenge for IT managers is how to support this ever-growing legion of far-flung workers with all of the tools and information they need to do their jobs, anytime, anywhere. (, 2003).
Multimedia technology is making it possible for families to socialise easier; the broad availability of wireless technology is keeping families closer knit. Busy workers are now able to communicate easier through the use of this mobile technology.

‘There had been some fears that the Internet had been taking people away from each other, we found just the opposite.’
‘In the poll, 60 per cent of adults said that the new technologies did not affect the closeness of their family, while 25 per cent said cell phones and online communication made their families closer and 11 per cent said that the technology had a negative effect’ The Washington Post (2008)

Castells brings attention to this implementation of mobile technology and how on-the-fly professionals are now able to communicate easier.

‘This pattern of ‘safe autonomy’ also characterizes other sets of interpersonal relations as well as instrumental practices (for example, the professional worker who is always on the move, yet in touch with his or her base office)’ (Castells, 2006).


Through the synthesis of my research I have concluded that the introduction of mobile technologies is affecting our social structure. The integration of these mobile technologies is changing the way we live on a day to day basis and the introduction of new technologies is causing companies to think about upgrading their existing services for quicker mobilisation.

Families are now able to keep in touch and access information at any time, as well as contribute to it. It is this constant contribution that is creating the ‘Network Society’

Although wireless technologies were simply an alternative to the fixed-line method of communicating it is this mobile ability that has allowed society to constantly communicate and share information at any time. It is this ‘choice’ through technology that has diminished the hierarchal society, and caused an ‘Information Explosion’. We now have the ability to engage, share and contribute where we want and when we want to, however not only is technology affecting society, society is also affecting technology, it is a reciprocal mutual relationship that is constantly expanding.

This constant availability of information and the ability to communicate at all times is enabling endless possibilities in multimedia. However it is also this rapid advancement that could spell the decline of social physical interaction. For example what if you could work from home at all times and what if students attended lectures in virtual environments? This free choice could spark a selfish society that no longer cares about the collective but rather the individual, Just because we have the ability to network easier does not necessarily mean we are socialising more, its merely socialisation on a virtual plane.

I’ve concluded that the rapid growth of mobile technologies is causing a ‘Network Society’ and I believe this ‘Network Society’ is now affecting the development of technologies to enable this integration and mobilisation. We are no longer constrained to hierarchy and this is having, social, political and domestic effects within society.

Mobilizing the Information Society: Strategies for Growth and Opportunity, Oxford University Press Pubished 2000. Robin Mansell
Technology in the working order: Studies of work, Interaction and Technology, Routeledge
Published 1993. Graham Button
Home Video and the changing nature of the Television Audience, Libbey.
Published 1988. Mark R. Levy.
Mobile Communication and Society, A Global Perspective, MIT Press
Published 2006, Manuel Castells.
Computers, Phones and the Internet, Oxford University Press
Published 2006. Robert Kraut.
Internet and Society, Routeledge
Published 2008, Christian Fuchs.
Digital Shock, Confronting the new reality, McGill-Queen's University Press
Published 2006, Herve Fischer.
, ‘Planning in the Information Age’ (2001) Dr Wael Salah Fahmi Online Journal.
From Connectivity to Collectivity, Design for Increased Social Agency,
Herbert Spencer (2006) Online Journal

Mobilizing the Information Society: Strategies for Growth and Opportunity, Oxford University Press Pubished 2000. Robin Mansell
Technology in the working order: Studies of work, Interaction and Technology, Routeledge
Published 1993. Graham Button
Home Video and the changing nature of the Television Audience, Libbey.
Published 1988. Mark R. Levy.
Mobile Communication and Society, A Global Perspective, MIT Press
Published 2006, Manuel Castells.
Computers, Phones and the Internet, Oxford University Press
Published 2006. Robert Kraut.
Internet and Society, Routeledge
Published 2008, Christian Fuchs.
Digital Shock, Confronting the new reality, McGill-Queen's University Press
Published 2006, Herve Fischer.