Wednesday 25 February 2009

SPP3 Rationale and Images

For the SPP3 module I decided to specialize my showcase for the brochure on photography, focusing on composition, lighting and technical ability, these are transferable skills within the audiovisual industry and will help me communicate my ideas to a broad audience.

Over the years I have developed my camera skills via reflection on and in practice. I also specialize in other areas of Multimedia including Audio Visual Production and Graphic Design, through my skills within photography I have developed strong transferable skills in Video Production in Multimedia, through extensive knowledge of camera lenses, Depth of Field, ISO selections and gaining an eye for knowing what length of exposure to use in certain lighting conditions, I have increased my knowledge of the camera using still photography.

The images I have decided to present for my showcase include University work I have been developing and work within my short industry placement at Alight Ltd, which I took the role of a Graphic Designer.

Figures .1, 2 and 3 display photographs I produced, focusing directly on lighting. I created an atmosphere using mise` on scene, that suggests the idea of an underlining story. I believe this piece of work shows my creative skills using lighting, composition, and technical ability using different exposure times with different f-numbers to gain my desired effect. All shots were taken in RAW format using a Canon EOS400D digital camera, small tweaks where made using Photoshop, mostly adjusting the saturation, spot healing a few areas and using the dodge tool to a very subtle to effect to bring out small highlights.

I created a backlight using light flooding through the bedroom door and the natural light seeping through the window gave a very nice effect adding subtle highlights to the face and clothing but still providing enough light for the scene. I used a tungsten white balance to add warmth to the image but still kept in relation with the dark theme I was aiming for.

Shot settings; exposure, 13seconds, F/22, 24mm Focal Length, Massa wide angle adapter lens. A Manfrotto tripod was used for stability with a wireless RC1 remote to trigger the shutter to ensure no shake was caused when manually triggering the camera.

Figure 4 is a piece of photography I took that was taken immediately after spotting the location on a walk out. I really liked the grim look of the place and the composition of the railings in the location provided fantastic visual opportunities to lead the eye. In my photography I always want to give an authentic movie feeling to it, which is something I aim to move into, especially cinematography in the Multimedia Industry. The graffiti and color make this piece visually stimulating and add grit to it keeping to the theme and style I want to produce.

Fig.5 and Fig.6 are pieces I produced in my industry placement at Alight Ltd. I was appointed Graphic Designer and worked with various clients, including Roseland Group, Blue Kite Energy, Introductions UK, TBL Midlands and Ignition Search. My primary skills gained here where using the Adobe CS3 suite to a very professional level. I learnt valuable skills, using color wheels, composition, communication and meaning.

These 2 particular pieces show logo designs I developed for 2 businesses. I learnt technical skills designing for print using spot color printing, paper selection, and print embossing effects. Valuable skills gained where communicating with clients on a face to face basis regularly and explaining the various materials that can be used that will best suite there brand.

The paper selection for these 2 companies was a very important element to reflect their brand, Roseland Group wanted to maintain a traditional and trust worthy image in their business. I suggested Cranes Crest 100% cotton paper to be used to reflect the traditional feel of the company as well as keeping within their policy of reflecting the business as an environmentally friendly company. Although it is very expensive to use, through the development of communication skills the client was inclined to use this material after showing samples of work produced on this medium.

In a similar vein Blue Kite Energy wanted their business to be represented as a green energy company. The paper selected was FSC certified-green paper by GF-Smith. I learnt the importance of the use of pantone color books and spot color printing to ensure a strong brand color throughout their business. All logos for the businesses where produced in Adobe Illustrator CS3, the business cards, letter heads and booklets produced where then designed in Adobe Indesign. I have developed invaluable design skills from my placement time at Alight Ltd and can solve design problems and communicate well with clients on a face to face basis to help push their brand further.

Fig 7. Shows my skills in composition, looking at visual lines in my shots to draw the viewer into areas I want them to focus on. The pillars within the scene are used as visual devices to help the composition. I particular focused on the reflections from the puddles in these shots and wanted to use my skills in different conditions. Especially strip lights which can give a very gritty and cold feeling, the lighting conditions weren’t particular great so a tripod was used to for stability to take long exposure shots with a high stop to keep the composition more in focus.

Fig 8 is a logo I developed for Blue Castle, they wanted an up to date modern approach to their office recycling business, They still wanted to keep the blue branding theme they have had throughout their business in the past so I looked at more current trends in design and choose more modern colours in the pantone EC color book, using gradient effects to a subtle effect to add a professional feel. The centre logo piece was drew using the pen tool and symbolizes the reciprocal process of recycling without using the traditional recycling logo seen countless times, the clean polished feel reflects the companies stature and is a strong identity that can be used on various different background colors and printed mediums. This demonstrates my skills in design that constantly look at future problems that can occur when branding a business for different mediums.

Through my combined skills gained as a multimedia practitioner at University and my placement time at Alight Ltd I believe I have valuable skills to offer to any multimedia company, my transferable skills of photography and my extensive knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite enable me to approach problems analytically and creatively come up with new ideas. As in the multimedia industry it is important to keep up with current trends and my own personal research and university research projects keep me pushing further.


I am passionate multimedia designer and production artist who has a deep understanding of the Adobe Creative Suite, I have developed skills in photography and video. I have excellent communication skills and I am determined and creative individual always looking for new ideas to develop and understand.

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