Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Artefact 4: Study of Family Home

After doing my ethnographic studies of a student flat (Artefact 2)to find informed social patterns relating to technology I decided to do it from a nuclear family environment to get a more coherent and rangeful set of data. I done small sketches of a family environment to capture this interaction with technology.

I found that in a family environment wireless technologies was more useful, as the living room space was the area that the majority of the family stayed, wireless technologies usually used in this space were mobiles, laptops and games consoles. This wireless technology available has made it possible for a number of individuals to engage together rather separately.

I found that a computer access point in an urban family environment was usually in a seperate room, which would be used from time to time for work.

Each bedroom has a computer and it seemed the younger members of the family would fragment from the living room to their bedrooms, where as older members preferred to use a wireless technology. I've concluded that technology is affecting the family environment especially from a younger demographic.

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