Saturday 18 April 2009

Artefact 3: Questionnaire on Technology Useage


This artefact has used data gathered from a questionnaire I compiled. It focuses on the social trends of people and technology.

I used the questionnaire to gain a deeper understanding of society and technology and the possible effects technology has on society today.

Upon analysis of my questionnaire, the results were very interesting. 60% of people in my questionnaire spent more than 20 hours per week using a computer. “Of these hours how many are used for work related activities?” 40% of respondents answered 6-10 Hours whilst 40% of respondents answered 11-15 Hours for “How many are used for other activities?” These were majority votes compared to the other response counts of the other hourly rates.

Using the internet to Surf the Web recieved 80% of respondents and Socialise with friends 60% compared to the 10% online shopping, 10% emailing, 10% Computer games, and 30% Word processing.

Socialising with Friend’s online (20+ Hours) gained 30% of respondents compared to 20% of Socialising with Friend’s. However the most compelling result was an astonishing 90% of respondents have allowed technology to get in the way of work/studies or socialising face to face.

I think it is quite conclusive through my results that technology is having an effect on society. I’ve found that the majority of people day to day interface with a computer or mobile communication device and I’ve found that socialising through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter & Myspace seem to be the most popular ways of spending time on a computer.

I believe this mobile autonomy is causing fragmentation within families due to “working on the move”. This is something I’m particularly interested in researching for my next artefact to give my artefacts more concrete evidence that technology is causing a fractualisation in society, particularly in a family environment.

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