This next shot is from the room that the signal is coming from, I quite like how Ridley Scott decided to keep the camera angles quite low down to give the feeling that the alien may be looking up towards them, it also gives a feeling of false security towards the characters as you know what they are dealing with is a lot more sinister than what they think. Instead of using a shot that follows them from behind entering the room he has decided to let the actors slowly walk in, as the door moves up it brings in rays of light that sillouhette the crew, they move very slowly and the scene is incredibly drawn out creating even more tension, it is a medium long shot and yet again invites the feeling that something could jump out, the set almost engulfs the characters with its low ceilings and minimal lighting giving a feeling of danger.
Searching the Room:
The next shots shows the crew searching the room where they finally isolate where source of the movement is coming from, it is a small box, as they open box there is a lot of tension created as to whats inside it; eventually we see a cat scream and then run off, Brett holding the netting up to capture it lets the cat go, not realizing that they will pick it up later on the tracking device. Parker and Ripley laugh and tell him to go and get the cat, I particularly like this scene as the audience know that Brett has made a mistake and he doesn't realize it until Parker and Ripley laugh at him in a degrading fashion, making him look stupid.
This next shot is quite possibly one of my favourite scenes of all time, the tension created in it is brilliant. The que as Brett walks into the big room is timed brilliantly as the audience then realize that he is going die. Once again the shots in this room are timed brilliantly and are long and drawn out to create tension.
I came across this Michel Gondry video after searching for Time Lapse in YouTube, this is something that really interests and inspires me, especially the Minilogue Hitchikers Choice video.
Id never really heard of Michel Gondry before, but his name rang a few bells and as usual one thing leads onto another with youtube and I ended up watching more of his videos, he does a lot of commercial work and music videos and has won numerous awards, defnitly worth looking into!